Wednesday, July 14, 2010

To hold your heart

If your give me your heart
I will hold it as a newborn child
As if it could break at my touch
Not daring to move too quickly
Or too suddenly, that I might bruise it
And have it weep
I only wish to hold it close to me
To nurture and care for
To love it, and cherish it for as long as I can
To watch it grow in strength and confidence
And become everything it can be
To protect it and shelter it from harm
I have dreamed too long of this
And when the fear comes
And you are afraid
I will come to your heart
And smote the fear of doubt which dwells there
That you will know my love
And take me as your charge, your protector
Your white knight maiden fair
Shall always be near
To carry you to the safety of my arms
And the shelter of my heart

Gordon Merritt

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