Friday, July 15, 2011

Rhyming Scheme- common mistakes

Rhyming scheme is a good place to start, while there are poems out there that do not follow traditional rhyming schemes, I do not recommend this to the new writer. Most new writers do not understand the intricacies of keeping the flow of a poem when using combined or unusual rhyming schemes (ie rhymes in the middle of sentences rather than the end). Stick to consistent schemes. Another mistake is to use the same rhyming syllable in every stanza or on every line in a stanza... I find this makes a poem sound too repetitive.


I think that I shall never see
A poem as lovely as a tree
And so I think you will agree
The tree is lovely as can be

I think that I shall never see
A poem as lovely as a tree
The tree is much more beautiful
Especially when it's leaves are full

I think that it shall ever be
That I shall just adore the tree
but when it's leaves aren't quite so full
Then watching trees is awfully dull

Where is may work on a short cute poem... it is not really effective in a longer poem. My advice is to spread your rhymes out over the course of your poem. I also advise using the same rhyme more than once unless it is the theme of your poem.

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