Thursday, July 21, 2011

Valentines day and why I hate it...

To be honest with you, I hate Valentines Day. So if I claim to be an incurable romantic, then how can I hate the most romantic day of the year?

 I hate it just because of that. Who says that one day of the year should be more romantic than the others? The greeting card companies, the florists, the jewelry retailers or any of the thousands of others that commercialize this day to death? It seems that Christmas is just over and the stores shelves are filled to the brim with red hearts and  heart shaped candy as to remind us of out duty to the ones we love. Isn't it amazing that a $30 bouquet of roses is suddenly $70 because it is the icon of valentines day...

 Don't get me wrong, I haven't always hated valentines day. When I was a kid, I used to love to get and give valentines... those cute little teddy bear cards with "will you be mine" scrawled in crayon. But even then I noticed that the cute girl or the popular boy got a lot of valentines and the little geeky kid or the chubby girl sometimes got none. I always gave one to the chubby girl too, maybe because I was the short geeky kid. Another reason I hate Valentines day is just because of that. Those who are alone, who don't have someone to care about in that way are outcasts on this day. We are reminded of the fact that we have not been lucky enough to find that special someone and it can be the loneliest day of the year.

Somewhere along the line we missed the boat. If you need an official day to be reminded to tell your loved one how much you care, then perhaps you aren't as inclined to do it as often as you should. I for one am more inclined to buy flowers for no real reason other than I think my mate will get some joy from them, and I want to bring her joy. Little notes on the mirror or in her car to tell her I am thinking about her. Cook her  a candle-lit dinner (and not just on her birthday). It is the little things that make the difference in a relationship, the little things that you don't have to do, but want to do.

Frankly I don't need an official day to remind me to show someone I care about how I feel and I don't appreciate some card or flower shop overcharging me to do it. Ditch the roses and card and tell her every day in the things you do... I guarantee you that she will think you are the most amazing man she has ever met.

I understand that some want to show people we love them on valentines day. I am not trying to play down its significance to those who enjoy taking part in it. I'm only trying to point out that our local retailers take advantage of us in celebrating these holidays, and I don't think it's necessary to go overboard. After all, money doesn't buy love, and it certainly doesn't grow on trees. I think it's more meaningful to take the time, and think of something that our loved one would really appreciate, instead of following the masses and putting money in the pockets of merchandisers. I say lets celebrate Valentines Day, but if we're going to celebrate it, then lets do it thoughtfully.

Just my opinion

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